You may or may not agree, but it is impossible to avoid seeing images of dogs on social media. We have attempted it innumerable times, but have always failed.
They’re a distraction! As soon as a cute puppy comes on our screens, we miraculously forget about our work and get sucked into the cuteness black hole.
Obviously, we can’t be faulted for doing that, since you’re probably also guilty of doing it. When we see images of dogs, we forget about the things that bother us. It’s as if this collection of pixels reprograms our brains and reminds us of all the good in the world.
Mya is one of the canines who has done an amazing job of captivating everyone online. At first impression, she resembles a fox. However, you’d be astonished to learn that this adorable dog is a hybrid of a Pomeranian and a Husky.
Those who have viewed Mya’s online profile have proclaimed her to be the cutest dog they’ve ever seen. That makes sense considering how flawless her features are. She has sapphire eyes, perennially upright triangular ears, and a gorgeous hue of rusty red fur. These are the reasons why people believe she is a fox rather than a dog.
Many have asked Mya’s owner, Dave Lasio, whether she can pull a sled like other Huskies. He would always respond with a “No”. Despite this, Mya can attract enormous crowds with her seductive appearance and skill behind the camera.
Everyone believes Mya was a model in a previous life due to the variety of stances she strikes every time Dave takes her photo. In fact, she flashes her characteristic smile whenever she sees a camera pointing in her direction.
Mya enjoys going on trips with her favorite person in the planet. When they are not traveling, she can be seen cuddled up next to her fur father.
Source: myathepomsky