It takes a strong will and a lot of motivation for a dog to lose weight. A dog named Kai needed a lot of motivation to take off some pounds. He has been overweight for the longest time, and this was putting his health at risk.
It seems that his condition was not going to get any better until a woman named Pam stepped in. Pam adopted Kai because she wanted to help him out. She knew that Kai was capable of losing the extra pounds and attain a healthy weight for himself.
When Pam first got Kai, she noticed that he was having difficulties when it comes to walking. This was because of his weight. His body was putting too much pressure on his legs that it made it difficult for him to walk properly. This was one of the things that Pam wants to see improve.
Pam then started Kai on his exercises and therapy. Kai would go to water therapy where he would walk underwater for a couple of minutes. This helped strengthen his leg muscles.
Pam would also often bring Kai to hikes, and they would go swimming as well. That was Pam’s goal. She needed to keep Kai active because he still had a lot of weight to lose. Pam needed to remember that when she got Kai, he was 173 pounds.
This was to help her remember that they still had a long way to go. With Pam and Kai’s consistency, they were able to achieve the unimaginable. Within only a year, Kai lost 100 pounds. He achieved a healthy weight.
He was very active, and his health has drastically improved. His walking improved as well. All it took was someone to motivate and help him become consistent with his activities. Pam did that for him, and now, Kai is as healthy as could be.
Any dog can lose weight with a great parent to motivate them! Watch The Video Below
Source The Dodo via YouTube
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